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Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Would you like to join the Patient Participation Group and have a say about the services provided by this surgery?

If you would, please leave your name and email address for the practice manager at reception.

What is a a Patient Participation Group?

The Purpose of a Patient Participation Group is:

  • To give practice staff and patients the opportunity to, where possible, share decision making in the running of the practice.
  • To provide for patients to make positive suggestions about the practice, and be an advocate for patient preferences when appropriate.
  • To involve further patients from the wider population, and be an advocate for the practice when appropriate.
  • To encourage health education activities within the practice.
  • To develop self-help projects to meet the needs of fellow patients, such as befriending, help with transport, and bereavement support.
  • To act as a representative group that can be called upon to influence the local provision of health and social care.

You may be asked to complete a survey about areas the patient participation group would like to improve or develop.

We will update patients on our website with more information with findings from our survey.

Minutes from the PPG Meeting on the 18.10.23.

Minutes from the PPG Meeting on theĀ  21.2.24